It’s actually hard to run out of topics when it comes to cars and car insurance. The key to writing car insurance blogs is to be helpful and educational to your readers.

The approach for writing is similar to any other insurance blogs for individual customers: you attempt to answer your prospects’ questions on topics they are interested in and wish they had known.

If you can provide them helpful tips to be a smarter driver and consumer, they will keep reading.

Here’s the 20 car insurance topics for your inspiration:

1. 10 Safety Tips for Driving at Night

Driving at night is much riskier than day time and there are tips to avoid accidents. Give your readers a list of at least 10 safety tips that they can use while driving at night.

2. 10 Safety Tips for Driving in Winter

There are many things that people can do to prepare their cars for winter. Create a list of 5-10 questions for readers to see if their cars are ready for the season. This type of content will bring traffic to your website from year after year.

3. 10 Safety Tips For Driving in the Rain

Rain is another common risk associated with car accidents. Remind your readers with best practices for driving in the rain. This topic works great during the spring-summer months.

4. 10 Safety Tips When Driving with Baby/Toddlers/Kids

Travelling with kids can be fun. Write a list of 10 tips to let your readers make sure children are safe in your car.

5. 10 Safety Tips When Riding Uber/Lyft

Write a handy list of dos and don’ts when using rideshare service. You can spin off different versions like “Safety Rules to Follow When Traveling by Uber During Spring/Summer/Winter/Christmas. 

6. Does Uber Insurance Cover Passengers?

Give your reader a direct answer right up front. Illustrate with a couple of scenarios and tell them what is covered (e.g. bodily injuries) and what is not.

7. Car Insurance 101: 10 Terms you Need to Know

Insurance terminology can be quite confusing. Help them out by providing a list of 10 common terms that they will encounter when it comes to car insurance. This will be helpful for them when they are shopping and evaluating different policies.

8. 10 Cheapest/Most Expensive Vehicle to Insure in 2021

People just love lists. Do your research and list out 10 cheapest vehicles among the popular models to insure. You can go on the provide more tips to save on car insurance to match the search intent of price sensitive users.

9. How to Save Money on Your Car Insurance?

Who doesn’t like money-saving tips? Whether buying a new SUV or looking for ways to lower the premiums, it’s a rule of thumb to explore your options before making the right decision. Evergreen content like this will bring traffic to your site for years to come.

10. How to Save Money on Car Loan?

Shopping around or making bi-weekly payment are the common tips. Buying a cheaper car may also be a consideration. You can think outside the box by suggesting to lease the vehicle, signing up as an uber driver or switch to usage-based insurance to earn or save extra money.

11. What is Gap Insurance? And is it Worth to Buy?

Gap insurance is an optional insurance that helps car owners pay off their auto loan if your car is totaled or stolen. It covers you when you owe more than the car’s depreciated value. You can discuss how it works, who needs it and do a little comparison on different quotes to let your readers know whether it is worth it.

12. The Safest Vehicles for First-Time Drivers

Parents might need some guide on choosing the perfect car for their new teenage driver. List out the safest vehicles that are perfect for first-time drivers. It would add value if you would do some research and find out the car insurance premium for the car in the list based on a teenager.

13. Does My Insurance Cover Hitting A Deer?

According to Allstate, “Comprehensive coverage may help pay to repair or replace your vehicle if it’s damaged when you hit a deer. … Drivers who carry their state’s minimum required coverages likely will not be covered for a deer accident.”

Next, you may list out the steps to follow after hitting a deer and link out to an article in your website which is about how to file a car claim or so on.

14. What To Do After A Car Accident?

No one wants an accident. But when it happens, there are certain steps you should take in order to make sure everyone is safe, to follow the law and to get the insurance claim process started.

15. How to File a Car Insurance Claim?

Filing an insurance claim could be a daunting task, especially when people may be suffering from loss or inquiry as a result of it. And that’s why people will certainly need a step-by-step guide on how they can file a claim, and what information they need to have on hand.

16. What is Usage-Based Insurance? And How Can It Reduce My Auto Insurance Premium?

Usage-based insurance (UBI), also referred to as pay-as-you-drive (PAYD) or pay-how-you-drive (PHYD), is a new kind of auto insurance whereby premiums are determined by measuring the mileage used and driving behaviour. It rewards drivers who drive less and drive safely with lower premium.


17. How to Find and Compare the Best Car Insurance Online Easily?

Finding the best car insurance company with a suitable coverage can be a daunting task, especially when there are hundreds of carriers out there. You may introduce to them auto insurance comparison websites and show them how they work to save their time and help them make better decisions.


18. Switching Car Insurance Company: A Step-by-Step Guide

While rates may vary depending on your situation, it’s not a bad idea to shop around every year or two by comparing the cost of car insurance from other companies. You may write a guide to help your readers to navigate the transition as smoothly as possible.

19. What Kind of Insurance Do You Need for a Classic Car/RV/Hot Rod? And What Does It Cover?

It is important to make sure that you have the right coverage for your Classic Car/RV/hot rods. Classic car insurance, for example, is designed to help protect vehicles that are more than 25 years old, including hot rods, muscle cars, vintage military vehicles and some luxury vehicles. It can help with the cost of repairs or restoration if your classic or antique car is damaged in a covered incident.

20. What Is Full Coverage Auto Insurance? And Who Should Buy It?

“Full coverage” is a commonly used term among auto insurance. It usually refers to a combination of liability, collision, and comprehensive coverage. (e.g. fire, theft, vandalism, storm damage, animal damage, or falling objects) Write an article about the various coverage options and help your readers to decide what may need to be fully covered.

Final Thoughts

There is so much to learn about car insurance! I really enjoy creating this list and will be looking forward to seeing your take on these commonly asked questions on or related to car insurance. As new trends and lifestyle are evolving, there will also be new topics to write about. I hope you find it useful for your next car insurance blog posts.